Pre-Forum Clinics

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Tuesday, October 22, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm EST

Sharing Your Mission Powerfully with Storytelling – Lori Jacobwith

In our fast-paced world, we have less than five seconds to make a lasting impression. The way you and your board members introduce your organization is critical to building long-term supporters. Sharing your impact through stories is one of the most powerful ways to engage supporters. Lori has coached thousands of people as they tell their stories and helped them distill stories down to their most emotionally engaging essence. This interactive clinic will provide three tools for introducing your organization powerfully.

The afternoon will provide the opportunity for as many attendees as possible to receive coaching on their two minute “mission moment” story.  Join Lori Jacobwith, master storyteller, to learn how to share powerful examples that cut through the clutter of daily communications and cause listeners to take action.

Board Development Clinic – Danielle Clore, KY Nonprofit Network, Inc.

Educate your board and draft a specific action plan for improved governance in one day! A combination of presentation and group exercises, the board development clinic is designed for board members and key staff to understand and implement governance best practices. The Kentucky Nonprofit Network is able to offer quality facilitation with Danielle Clore for your entire board for a fraction of the cost – over 80% off of the fee for a customized retreat! Participants will leave the clinic with an action plan for improved board governance in hand. This clinic is for the Executive Director/CEO and at least three board members must also attend. Space is limited, so register early!

Fund Development Planning ClinicLee Ellen Martin, CFRE, Fundraising Consultant

Creating a comprehensive fund development plan is essential for long-term fundraising success. Planning will provide your nonprofit with the roadmap it needs to successfully engage donors nd increase contributed income. Join Lee Ellen Martin for this day-long planning clinic that will guide you, step by-step, in the creation of a fund development plan for your organization. Utilize Lee Ellen’s experience as a development officer, board member and consultant to help you create a strong plan for your organization’s future fundraising strategies. Whether you are the chief development officer or an executive director wearing this among many other hats, this hands-on clinic will help you take your organization’s fundraising to the next level. Take advantage of the discounted rate for multiple registrants and bring your key volunteers!  You’ll learn:

  • The tried and true basics for each strategy in a comprehensive fundraising plan
  • The appropriate role of special events and grant proposals
  • Tips for turning board members and other volunteers into fantastic fundraisers – without them even knowing it
  • Specific steps for finding and prioritizing prospective donor

Preparing Successful Grant Proposals – Jackie Long

Funding is idea-dependent.  To receive a grant, you must be able to put your idea into a package that successfully markets the idea.  Preparing Successful Grant Proposals will lead you through the proposal development process that will transform your idea into a complete and precise request that leaves no question unanswered.  With the funding world as competitive it is now, funders want applicants to get to the point.  They are restricting word and character counts and the applications have to say a lot in a few words.

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